Saturday, December 12, 2009

The snows they melt the soonest when the winds begin to sing.

The news has been going on and on about Wintergeddon, and here it is, 12 hours past the predicted snowfall and .... no snow. They say it's tricky to track snow here because of the Gorge, the mountains and the Pacific, but I think Oregon is just chock full of panic mongers. I'm scheduled to work tonight, and as much as I'd love to stay home, I really don't want to have to miss $$work$$.

I've been to five Winterhawk games this year. If I counted correctly. That's a lot for me, but not nearly enough! Did I mention I met some of them as well? A couple of weeks ago, they were at the Fred Meyer in Oregon City, signing autographs. Good kids, the lot of them. Aed went with, and I asked her to get a poster signed for Indi, which I will mail to her one of these days...

The last game I went to was against the Spokane Chiefs on the sixth. We went into overtime but lost in the shootout. Had a lot of fun, though. Afterward, R and I took the Max back over the river and walked to the Red Cap for dinner and drinks. Well, R had dinner, I had a drink. Just the one, but it had vodka in it, so about five sips in I was feeling pretty toasty.

Plenty more to say, no time to say it.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just can't win.

I had an appointment with my NP this morning. She is the doctor I see in regards to my ADHD and ADHD medications. I had an appointment at 10:00 and my sister (who also sees her) had an appointment at 10:30. We were going to carpool. I woke up at 10:15, just in time to see my sister leaving the house. I've left several messages for the NP and her assistant (plus an e-mail to the assistant) with no word back. The funny thing is, the doctor joked to my sister, "We need to tweak her meds!" That's exactly what I made the appointment for; 20mg of extended release Dexedrine work well, but I can tell that going a little higher would be beneficial. So hopefully I can get an appointment set up soon. Being on vacation this week, I'm trying to live normal hours as much as possible before going back to work Saturday night. [Update: Heard back from assitant (e-mail). DocMeds is out of town for the rest of the week, so I'm trying to see what she's got available next week. I'll be out of meds until then, but I only have to work Saturday, so I'm not going to freak out.]

In other medical news, I just heard back from my (regular) doctor.

  • The good: I'm no longer vitamin D deficient. The doc wants me to take the supplement every other day, rather than once a day.
  • The bad: I am low on vitamin B12 and iron.

Doc wants me to take a multivitamin and recommends the one they sell at the office. It's $22 for 90 capsules, which...GAH. Or I could take an OTC one. I do take a multi-vitamin every day at work; I take the Cholestoff, the garlic pill, the omega pills and the B vitamins (plus the multi) on my 11:00 break every day. If I remember, I take my sublingual b12 supplement on my second break at the end of the night.

I'm hesitant to buy the supplement from my doctor because the nurse told me it was more easily absorbed; I know that animal-derived iron is more easily absorbable than non-animal, so I don't want to take that shit. Instead, I'm looking at foods that are high in iron. One website lists enriched breakfast cereals, cooked beans and lentils, and pumpkins seeds as excellent sources of iron. Good courses are: canned beans, baked potato with skin, enriched pasta and canned asparagus. This same website lists as iron absorption enhancers: orange, OJ, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapefruit, etc. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, tomato, tomato juice, potato, green and red peppers, and white wine. As iron absorption inhibitors, it lists: red wine, coffee and tea, spinach, chard, beet greens, rhubarb and sweet potatoes, also whole grain, bran and soy products.

So it seems like no matter what foods you eat, something's fucking something else up. I could have sworn that spinach was a good source of iron. Ironically, I have spinach, soy and whole grain products every day, and I hold back on the citrus fruit because it tends to negate or lessen the efficacy of my ADHD medication.

She didn't say anything about my cholesterol, so I'm assuming that's no longer a concern. I also forgot to ask about my thyroid. Grubs says that her concern over my thyroid (and my low iron and B12) is because I never eat. I have seen myself adopting the stance that it's better to miss a couple of meals than to add extra meals, and that's not good. It's good that I'm not overeating, but by missing meals, I'm afraid I might possibly move into eating disorder territory. All I really need to do is figure out how to eat well and get enough exercise to where I can eat lots of good food and still lose weight. My doctor might be concerned about my thyroid because of how much weight I've lost. I don't think I've lost enough, but perhaps she thinks it's strange that it came off so "easily." She does know I'm on Dexedrine, but maybe she doesn't realize or remember that it kills your appetite.

At any rate, I'm really happy that my D is up because I know realize how bad that is for you.

I have vowed to eat more oatmeal, though, and I think that has helped. I have found that added chopped walnuts to it makes it more palatable. I love oatmeal, I just can't eat very much of it. I figure I'll just get some plain soy milk and add a bit of that (I make oatmeal with water), as well as some cinnamon or maybe carob powder and some walnuts. That's a good breakfast. Plus, I need to start drinking my smoothies again when I get home from work. That way I get get a good dose of vitamin C without having to worry about it effecting my meds.

Ok. A little research. For iron, I just need to eat cashews, rice, tofu, lentils and garbanzo beans. I thought rice was an inhibitor, though? Anyway. I figure I'll just decrease the amount of spinach I put in my salad and throw in garbanzo beans as well. I reckon I just need to put some effort into my meals. My biggest meal is what I have for lunch at work every day, and that is a big salad of mixed greens and spinach (with sunflower seeds sprinkled on top); followed by brown/long grain rice with some sort of wheat meat thrown in. Or it'll be jasmine rice. That's pretty much all I eat. When I get up, I usually just take my meds and let the dogs out and then forget to eat. By the time I remember, I don't feel like eating. Or I'll just have a piece of bread. When I get home from work, same thing. So I need to be smart and eat for my health, not for convenience. This sounds really good...


Monday, November 23, 2009

You won't die of a thousand fakes or be beaten by the sweetest of dekes.

This is some shit up with which I will not put. (Mucha traded to Kamloops.)

Okay, so I have no say in the matter. I’m still not happy. My only comfort is that I was able to witness the most amazing hockey game ever, and Mucha was between the pipes for all of it. I am, of course, referring to the Winterhawks’ November 7th Dash for Cash game against the Seattle Thunderbirds. Granted, I haven't seen a lot of (live) hockey, but I stilll know what great hockey is. And this was great hockey. No goals for either team in the first period, then Seattle scored a few minutes into the second. Chris Francis (the hero of this particular story) tied it up with a power play goal at around the 11 minute mark. Seattle got two more goals in the second, but Francis got his second goal of the night in the third period.

With less than a minute on the clock, a lot of people around us started to pack up and leave. "Can we go now?" my sister asked. I was horrified.

Me: No!
Grubs: Why not? It's almost over.
Me: It's not over until that clock hits zero.
Grubs: *scowls*
Me: Unless we score soon and tie it up. Then we go into sudden death.
Grubs: And after that?
Me: If nobody scores, we go into a shootout.

The final faceoff was in the Seattle end with less than three seconds on the clock. Francis got the puck and shot it right into the net, not only sending the game into overtime, but pocketing a nifty little hat trick as well. There was a couple sitting next to me who had been rooting for Seattle the entire time, and the chick had been pretty smug when Portland got called for a no-goal in the third. So when I started screaming along with the other Hawks fans, she got real quiet. HAHAHAHAHA.

For your viewing pleasure:

Neither team scored in overtime, so it went into a shoot out. Jacob Berglund (who is quite the little Datsyuk) scored after Seattle and Francis once again saves the say with the second and final goal. The crowd went insane and the Seattle fans next to me got up and left without a word. Heehee. Oh, it was such an amazing night. I'm so glad I was able to be there for it, especially now that we've lost Mucha.

The game was at the Rose Garden. I got us seats in the 200 level, which turned out to be pretty good. I've seen hockey games in four different arenas: the Ice Palace, the Rose Garden, the Memorial Coliseum and the Mountain View Ice Arena, and while the hockey out here is not quite the same as NHL hockey in an NHL arena, it's still wonderful in its own right. I've only ever sat in the nosebleeds of the Ice Palace, and am perfectly content with that. I don't really think there's such a thing as bad seats at a hockey game. Just being there is enough. But the nosebleeds at the Rose Garden and the Coliseum are more like chin bleeds, and the seats at the Mountain View in Vancouver is just one small section of benches on one side of the tiny rink.

The 200 level seats I got at the Garden were really nice. Here are some shots:



This gives you an idea of what the view was like from our seats. I really like this section because you can see the goal pretty well, but when I chose these tickets, I thought they were near the players' bench. Good to know for next time! I like to watch them think about what they've done when they get sent to the box.

Much to my sister's (and, if she were there, Julie's) horror, Tom-A-Hawk showed up. He managed to get the Seattle fan next to me to go over and pretend-fight him, except the Seattle fan got a little too into it and punched him in the beak. I almost pissed my pants from laughing so hard.

Kurtis Mucha and captain Brett Ponich:

As I said, it was a pretty amazing game, and I'm so glad I was there to see it. R and I are going to tomorrow night's game vs the Regina Pats. Expect more pictures and updates in the days to come.

I must toddle off now. I'm taking my mom swimming tomorrow morning and I really should track down my bathing suit.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Russian machine never scared.


The last two weeks have been pure, undiluted hell, but I'm on vacation for the next six days.

I saw my doctor yesterday and she said I'd lost and kept off 20 pounds since my last visit and that it was a huge deal. "Keep it up," she said. "But do more cardio."

Took my blood to check my vitamin D. It's been really low despite the supplements I took, so she put me on drops in addition to the supplements. In August, my vitamin D was at 19. It should be 50 or higher. She gave me capsules to take but not until we get the latest results. She's also going to check my thyroid. She kept asking about it, about my family medical history, but I told her I'm adopted and don't really know anything. So she said she would run some thyroid panels, too. Now I'm all paranoid that I've got a thyroid problem.

Anyway, we're watching Paranormal Activity, so I'm going to down the rest of my Russian Imperial Stout and enjoy the shit out of this motherfucker. Aed does not like scary movies.

Aed said: I would not be tryin' to fuckin' film it. I would be fuckin' movin'.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It only hurts when I move.

Not much to say, as I'm off to bed in a few minutes. Late, as always. Night shift sucks, but beggars can't be choosers. Got out of work before five this morning, which worked out because I was planning on stopping at Home Depot on the way home and buying some pellets. (We don't have a pellet stove; we have a wood burning stove for which we bought a pellet basket.)

I got there at 5:30 and there was no way in hell I was going to sit in my car for a half hour until it opened. So I went home. Rather, I went to the other Home Depot, about 10 minutes from my house. I figured by the time I got to that one, it would already be open. And I was right. I bought two bags of pellets and some starter gel and went home.

Once I'd lugged both bags to the front porch and gone inside, I let the dogs out and then prepared to do yoga. It's a new thing for me, this yoga, and I went into it grudgingly. I hate yoga. I have ADD. It's hard for me to just sit or stand and do nothing, but I've had a lot of back pain lately and I know that yoga can help. For the last two weeks, I have been doing pilates (Mon, Wed, Fri) and yoga (Tues, Thurs, Sat), and I think it's helping.

Ironically, the day I get the foot stool they ordered for me at work, the back pain comes back full force.

Anyway, did the yoga (only a half hour, since I was running late), inhaled some oatmeal and now I have to feed the minions and go to bed.

The Wings play the Oilers tonight; pretty sure the game starts at 6:30 here. I hope to catch some of it, though apparently the hamthrax has infiltrated Edmonton.

The Winterhawks are playing (who own) the Chiefs on Sunday, and I'm hoping to go. I work this Saturday and probably won't get home until 3 a.m., but the game doesn't start until 5:00. I'll just take the Max in and not have to worry about parking. Speaking of the Winterhawks, check this out:

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. The dog right at the very end looked like Curly Joe before he transformed into a hell hound.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This will be the place in which I will discuss things like life, hockey and dogs. But not right now. Right now I have to go do some yoga.